You never know when you’ll need to save a life. “Be prepared, not scared” is an excellent motto to say throughout your day-to-day life. It is especially true when it comes to knowing how to perform CPR. In the US alone, almost 500,000 people die of cardiac arrest. Sadly, studies also suggest that only less than half of those who suffer receive CPR assistance from a bystander. CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation helps maintain blood flow to the brain, ultimately saving someone’s life (American Heart Association [AHA], 2022).

CPR and First Aid Training from Delaware County EMS

Ready to be a life-saving hero? At Delaware County EMS, we offer CPR and First Aid courses led by our expert training staff. Whether you’re an individual seeking personal development or an organization aiming to empower your team, we’ve got you covered. Our flexible scheduling options make it easy to fit training into your busy life, and we’re even available to bring the course directly to your workplace.

Don’t wait to make a difference—take the first step towards saving lives today! Fill out the CPR request form below to embark on your life-saving journey and be prepared and trained should you be needed!

CPR and First Aid Training Request

For any questions or further information, contact Ben Berger via email at or 740-833-2170

Quick Tips:

Before Starting CPR

  1. Call 911 and get the AED (can be done by someone else)
    • 911 dispatchers can instruct you on how to help
  2. Is the area safe for you?
  3. Check if the person is responsive
  4. Check if the person is breathing

If unresponsive and not breathing normally, START CPR!

No Training? Do Hands-Only CPR!

Hands-Only CPR

  1. Push hard and fast on the center of the person’s chest
  2. Give 100-120 compressions a minute (to the tune of “Stayin’ Alive,” by the Bee Gees)
  3. As soon as the AED arrives, turn it on and follow the audible instructions

Author: American Heart Association (AHA) Year: 2022 Title: Why Everyone Should Know CPR: You Never Know When You Will Need It Source: Eastern URL: